Friday, August 13, 2010

2010-11 Sign-up day: Sept. 19

Hey skiers and riders!

The annual sign-up day will be held SUNDAY SEPT. 19 at the Smugglers' Notch Ski & Snowboard Club at the base of the Sterling Mountain T-Bar.

We'll be there from 11 a.m. through 3 p.m. and we'll plan to throw a few hot dogs and burgers on the grill about 12:30. C'mon up, get your paperwork rolling, make a deposit and see old friends.

Oh, and bring some racing gear if you want to try to sell it. We'll give members the four hours we're there the opportunity to swap/sell/trade racing gear in good shape (just don't plan on leaving equipment at the clubhouse).

Also, we're trying to finalize ways to find some incentives for current SNSC members who bring new members into the club. Check back on this blog to find details of the incentive program we're introducing.

But in the meantime, plan on coming up to the mountain on Sept. 19, bring a friend, bring some gear and see your winter friends once again!

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